While the Seminole Electric Cooperative in Jacksonville, Florida, successfully extended the life of the lubricants used in its electro-hydraulic control systems, see the unintended consequen…
Which lubrication misconceptions are hurting your operations? It’s well worth your time to find the answers. Addressing lubrication issues can provide industrial facilities with significant …
One concept that prevents many people from being able to successfully troubleshoot their hydraulic systems is the failure to understand the difference between pressure and flow. While it is …
Close to 1,100 maintenance and reliability professionals congregated at the Huntington Convention Center in Cleveland to celebrate Noria’s 20th installment of the Reliable Plant Conference &…
Unlike other exams and certifications related to lubrication and lubricant analysis, the new Machinery Lubrication Engineer (MLE) certification stands alone as the highest professional designation in our industry.
Are your lubrication task routes optimized? To many, the idea of a task route might seem simple and straightforward. Can’t you just create a list of machines that need to be lubricated? What else is there to consider?
Oxidation can be described as the degradation of good oil gone bad. Discover how a bad environment can have devastating effects on the quality and life of a lubricant.
Ben Leonard began his career in lubrication while serving as a reliability engineer at a cement manufacturing company, where he was in charge of lube routes, oil sampling and predictive main…
The International Council for Machinery Lubrication (ICML) recently announced two new offerings: the ICML 55 standard and the Machinery Lubrication Engineer (MLE) certification. Both promise…